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ICRA Ratings offers unbiased analysis backed by our in-depth analysis of various corporate and financial entities. Our deep expertise and meticulous analysis helps provide Corporate Sector Research reports to meet the requirements of banks, mutual funds, insurance companies, PEs, venture funds and other corporates.

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12 Jul 2024 Bilateral agreements to help trade, connectivity; threat of Suez Canal transit and CBAM continues Thematic Report
24 Apr 2024 Widening of conflict in Middle East could have macroeconomic and sectoral implications; Iranian trade not significant for India Thematic Report
15 Mar 2024 NIP deployment concentrated in transport, renewable energy, affordable housing and irrigation Thematic Report
07 Feb 2024 Tracking the PLI progress: Manufacturing in a few sectors displays positive trends; however, only 25% of expected capex deployed as yet Thematic Report
19 Jan 2024 The Suez Canal - India’s maritime trade with Europe and USA in rough waters; delay and cost escalation likely Thematic Report
07 Dec 2023 Russia’s share in Indian trade has increased in FY2023 following the western sanctions Thematic Report
04 Dec 2023 China’s large share in Indian imports and cost advantage to result in slow reduction in reliance Thematic Report
01 Nov 2023 Prolonged geopolitical tensions may impact global sentiment and commodity prices; Indian corporates in Israel may face commercial implications Thematic Report
20 Oct 2023 Escalation/prolonging of tensions between India and Canada may lead to commercial and economic implications for both countries Thematic Report
14 Jul 2023 PLI - PLI disbursements kick off in FY2023; major capex expected in next two-three years Thematic Report

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